Murrabit Group School evolved with the amalgamation of small schools in the area in 1971 and is situated 26kms from Kerang and 3km from the Murray River. We have a wonderful, state-of-the-art school building which is situated in beautiful and very spacious grounds. The school serves a farming area with most students being bussed in to school. The Murrabit community is wonderfully supportive and have ensured that our district remains a vibrant and special place to live. We have excellent sporting and community facilities and marvellous clubs and community groups available to one and all.
Murrabit Group School’s belief is that every student has the ability to learn, and that this best occurs in a flexible, warm, happy and positive environment. The school aims to achieve this through:
- A well balanced program that encourages growth in self esteem, self confidence, independent learning habits, creative and critical thinking, cooperation and tolerance.
- Acknowledgement that success for students is fostered within an environment that encourages a close working relationship between students, staff, parents and the school community. Parent participation in the classroom, in Parents and Friends Club and School Council enriches the school program.
Our School Learner Profiles
At Murrabit Group School students are:
- Risktakers
- Independent
- Creative
- Inquirers
- Reflective
- Collaborative
- Empathetic
- Resilient
- Role Models
Student Learning at Murrabit Group School:
Looks Like:
- caring
- Respectful
- Persistent
- Risk Takers
- Reflective
- Collaborative
- Independent
- Kind
- Creative
- Inquisitive
Feels Like being:
- Cared for
- Confident
- Knowledgeable
- Expressive
- Grateful
- Resilient
- Open-minded
Sounds like:
- Using manners
- Talking calmly
- Sharing ideas
- Providing feedback
- Being thankful
- Talking respectfully
Our positive teaching and learning environments are impacted by:
- Students
- Parents
- Staff
- Small School Communities
- Professionality
Our school decision making is driven by our Mission and Vision Statements:
Murrabit Group School Vision
We want the children of Murrabit Group School to Fly!
Murrabit Group School Mission Statement
The Murrabit Group School Mission Statement outlines:
- Why we have a school.
- What students should learn.
- How students learn.
Family Profile
Whilst Murrabit and district was affected by severe flooding in 2011, our community is amazingly resilient. Our school numbers have remained steady around the low- to mid-thirties for the past 8 years with a very stable base of families at the school. A number of new families have moved into the area and our Prep enrolments have been steady for many years; we have 5 Preps in 2022. Our future is very strong; enrolments are very positive and will see school numbers rise steadily in the future, with 18 Preps coming in to the school over the next 3 years.
We are very proud of the significant involvement of parents, grandparents and the wider community in all school activities. Our dedicated and talented School Council members are responsible for and closely involved in the development of all school policies and improvements as well as driving all of our grounds improvement projects. We have a wonderfully vibrant, supportive and hard-working Parents & Friends sub committee and parents and families regularly visit the school. Meetings, working bees and fundraising activities are extremely well supported. Weekly newsletters keep the school community well informed. We also have group SMS and email to ensure that all of our families are kept up-to-date with school events. Formal interviews are conducted early in term 1 and at the end of term 2. Written reports are sent home in terms 2 and 4.
Murrabit Group School is a Child Safe School.
Murrabit Group School regards child safety as a priority. We are an approved Child Safe school and have developed a large number of policies to complement this. These are all readily available in the Child Safesection of our School Policies folder, which is housed in the staffroom. If you would like to read through any of these, please contact the Principal, who will make them available and help in any way.
Strategies and procedures are in place to ensure that students under our care are kept safe both within and outside our school; many of these strategies and procedures are contained within our policies. It is our role and responsibility to ensure that the school’s policies are adhered to, regularly reviewed and updated and endorsed by School Council.
The following policies are to be read and adhered to by all staff (teaching, casual, administration and other), volunteers and parents working within the school:
Child Safety Policy, Duty of Care Policy, Emergency Management Plan External Providers Policy,Facebook Policy, First Aid Policy, ICT Policy, Mandatory Reporting Policy, Student Welfare and Engagement Policy.
The above polices are available for Staff, Parents and Murrabit Group School community members to access. These policies are contained in hard copy in the Murrabit Group School Policy Folder (office) and hard copies can be provided upon request.
In addition, the Principal will be responsible for managing any reports that might be made under the Child Safe guidelines and is available to offer any assistance or advice in this regard.