• Uniforms and sunsmart hats are a compulsory part of our school.  Parents and Friend’s Club donate a hat to each new student. If this hat is lost or damaged, they are available for purchase from the office.  This hat remains at school unless being washed at home. A supply of uniforms is available at the school and can be purchased on a Monday or Wednesday from the office.  A quantity of second hand uniforms are also available for a $2.00 donation per item.
  • Summer- Royal blue / white check dress, royal blue polo shirt, royal blue or grey shorts /skorts.
  • Winter- Royal blue polo shirt, royal blue windcheater or zip jacket, royal blue vest, royal blue track-pants or grey trousers.
  • Footwear must be suitable and safe for school activities. Footwear which is backless, open-toed or open-sided is not acceptable.
  • School beanies can be worn to school on cold days however peak caps are not to be worn to school.  School beanies are available for purchase along with other uniform items.
  • Please ensure everything is named.