To enrol your child in a Koondrook Primary School you will need to fill out an enrolment form and provide the school with important information about your child, including:

  • evidence of your child’s date of birth (Birth Certificate)
  • your contact, phone and address details, and that of any other parent, guardian and/or carer
  • names and contact details of emergency contacts
  • doctor’s names and phone numbers
  • Immunisation Status Certification
  • information about the language/s your child speaks and hears at home

Parents enrolling a child for the first time need to complete an admission form, emergency card and, if appropriate, an asthma information card and bus travel eligibility form. An immunisation certificate from the Shire is also required.

Children must turn 5 years of age by 30th April the year they begin Foundation (Prep) .  It is vital that children are ready to commence school.  Information on readiness is available from the school.  Parents who are in doubt as to whether their child is ready for school, should seek advice from the school and kindergarten directors.

Foundation children do not attend school on Wednesdays in February. This enables them to settle into the school routine without becoming overtired.

Transition to School Program

At the beginning of Term 3, we hold an Information Night for incoming families at the school. This night allows families to become informed about the school, the transition process and enrolment as well as ask questions. Families will be given an enrolment pack at this evening which includes all relevant information. 

During Term 4, we run four 'Transition to School' days and then a final full day where all students step up to their new class and meet their teacher for the following year. The transition days allow children to prepare for a new environment, familiarise themselves with teaching staff, socialise with other children that will be in their classroom and gain knowledge of the expectations of attending school. 

For more information, call the school. Dates for 2019 will be advertised on the website and the school's FaceBook. 


Visits from local Preschools

Throughout the year we have visits from the Koondrook and Barham Preschools. The Koondrook Preschool is on the same site as the school which allows students to visit school library and involvement in incursions.