School commences at 9.00am with assembly on Monday morning.
Recess: 11:00am – 11:30am
Lunch: 1:30pm – 2:20pm
School dismisses at 3:25pm
Monday morning's assembly commences at 9:00am it includes the acknowledgement of Country, the Australian national anthem and Students of the Week are presented. The assemblies are run by our school leaders.
Term Dates
Term 1 30th January to 28th March
Term 2 15th April to 28th June
Term 3 15th July to 20th September
Term 4 7th October to 20th December
Term 1 29th January to 5th April
Term 2 22nd April to 4th July
Term 3 21st July to 19th September
Term 4 6th October to 19th December